
Warehouse and Logistics


We provide solutions including traditional parameters for warehouse monitoring (rotation, coverage, curves of storage) and we design analysis systems that include: ABC cross analysis, slow moving, splitting index..


Through the warehouse handling analysis we provide information to implement appropriate policies for the management of stocks and flows of materials.


Connecting inventory data and data from other departments allows the company to optimize internal organisational processes with particular attention to the quality of the services it offers and to customer satisfaction.

Administration and Finance

Economic and financial planning models are based on operating budgets and allow the company to build reliable scenarios that help them implementing their business strategy. The integration and the intersection of information relating to various processes helps to make decisions that are both organic and in line with business objectives.

Concurrently, the acquisition of the final figures by means of automatic procedures for closing and consolidation allows the financial and operational management to have access to the deviation analyses comparing them to what previously planned in order to implement the necessary corrections that may be needed to maintain the business objectives.

The corporate communication to shareholders, partners, public authorities and banks takes place through institutional reporting. Therefore it is fundamental for financial statements to be reclassified in compliance with accounting principles and national and international accounting standards (IFRS , GAAP).



We develop: analytical models for the assessment and the classification of suppliers with respect to specific parameters of customer activities; solutions which plan supplies and tools for the explosion of needs starting from sales and production budgets.

Not only do we maintain adequate inventory levels, in line with the demands of production and with the indications of the financial area, but we also provide integrated models to analyse how changes in the purchase list impact on the final product cost.